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Ascension is a Suspension group founded by Steve Truitt in 2000, and based in Albuquerque, NM, USA.

Mission statement, taken from Ascension's website:

Life as we know it consists of a series of interconnected experiences cumulating in the absolute experiential moment of death. Cause gives way to effect, only to prompt another causal circumstance, the immutable relationship of each moment to the one before it is as significant and inevitable as its relationship to the one it precedes in a fundamental way, ones individual understanding of this concept should invariably bring one to this conclusion. There is only a single moment in time, and it is this moment. It is now. Now is your last and only chance to experience life before you experience death. Luckily, the present reconfigures and repeats itself too many times to count before reaching its terminal climax. The members of Ascension intend to influence what happens in the now for ourselves and for others. Life holds only two promises:
Pain and Death. Pain is a side effect of life. Ascension chooses to experience this moment in its purest form in the pursuit of enlightenment and with the constant reminder that life is as ephemeral as pain.

Ascension is available for public or private performances or demonstration, and do help others experience these body play rituals.

For more information or to book a performance, you can contact us at [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]] or you can reach Steve at (505) 550-1655.

Ascension does many public performances and regularly suspends people privately as well.

External Links