Revision as of 00:35, 23 May 2023 by Bmezine(talk | contribs)(Created page with "<html><div class="mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr" id="mw-content-text" lang="en"><div style="clear: left; margin-left: 2em"><i>The main article for this <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Categories" title="Special:Categories">category</a> is <b><a href="/index.php?title=Borneo" title="Borneo">Borneo</a></b>.</i></div> <div dir="ltr" lang="en"><div id="mw-pages"> <h2>Pages in category "Borneo"</h2> <p>The following 19 pages are in this category, out of 19 total. </p><div clas...")
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